One Screen to see across all systems

Investigate and understand for coaching or liability assessment.

Introducing Periscope which lets you see your systems from all angles in one view. Now you can see what happened and or be warned about what could happen if left unchecked.

Telematic systems like Geotab have data used by your maintenance organization to protect your fleet from maintenance issues can now warn your safety organization and the driver about safety-related issues that are creating a high-risk situation that can be stopped immediately and avoid a bad situation.

The communication systems (smartphones and tablets) can indicate environmental and driver activity and instantly report the status of both.

and when there is an event; quickly check across all the risk factors to show you what could have contributed for coaching and liability assessment. The mobile device can confirm and add to the information you are seeing on the video.

Risk Management tools to lower cost of claims and reduce Loss Ratios

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Welcome to PortNexus! We are all about providing you the ability to monitor your driver’s safety compliance and thereby increase accident prevention while at the same time reducing your exposure to vicarious liability lawsuits resulting from distracted drivers and other unsafe driving actions.


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